For attachment to aqueous parts washing equipment

Effluent from wash systems creates production downtime and incurs high labour costs to dump, clean and refill process tanks. It also demands high energy costs to reheat the solutions as well as a high disposal cost, which in some cases requires storing the effluent in containers for collection by a contract disposal company.

The Aqua-Save system continuously recovers and re-uses the wash water in parts cleaning systems so the need for disposal is significantly reduced. Water quality is maintained throughout production ensuring that parts exit the system in a clean condition, without contamination with oily residues. The only effluent resulting from the Aqua-Save system is a concentrated waste, consisting of the oils, emulsions and soluble waste washed from dirty components, which represents typically less than 5% of the total water volume.


  • Removal of free and emulsified oils from the wash and rinse solutions
  • Continuous recovery and re-use of wash and rinse water
  • Significant water, energy, labour and chemical cost savings
  • Environmentally friendly, substantial reduction in waste disposal
  • Maintains continuous production and eliminates system downtime
  • Maintains solution quality and wash performance
  • Compact system, requiring minimal floor space
  • Fully automatic operation with PLC control
  • Can be fitted to all aqueous parts washing systems
  • Media- and chemical-free treatment system – no chemical additives or filter membranes required
  • Enclosed system

Wash Solution Recycling Calculator

Cost to Refill Wash Tank


Aqua-Save Cost to Recycle Wash Tank
